Daniel Diedrich KNOOP

Ancestors of Daniel Diedrich KNOOP

                            /-Heinrich KNOOP
                  /-Daniel Diedrich KNOOP
                  |         \-Gertrude SCHUMACHER
        /-Daniel Diedrich KNOOP
        |         \-Johanne TILEMANN
Daniel Diedrich KNOOP
        \-Gesine KULENKAMPF

Descendants of Daniel Diedrich KNOOP

1 Daniel Diedrich KNOOP
      2 Daniel Diedrich KNOOP
      2 Anna Christine Marie KNOOP
      2 Gesine KNOOP
      2 Daniel Theodor KNOOP
      2 Julius Nicolaus KNOOP
      2 Anna Margarete KNOOP
      2 Daniel KNOOP
        =Johanne Marie Friederike WIENHOLD
            3 Johann Gottfried KNOOP
            3 Carl Werner Daniel KNOOP
            3 August Hermann KNOOP
            3 Chistine Henriette Marie KNOOP
            3 Julius Johannes KNOOP
            3 Gesine Clara Henriette KNOOP
            3 Caroline KNOOP
            3 Hermann KNOOP

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