Johanna KNOOPS

Ancestors of Johanna KNOOPS

                            /-Henricus CNOOPS
                  /-Henricus KNOOPS
                  |         \-Aldegonda COOLEN
        /-Theodorus KNOOPS
        |         \-Ida STEKELENBORG van
Johanna KNOOPS
        \-Wilhelmina COL (KOL) van

Descendants of Johanna KNOOPS

1 Johanna KNOOPS
  =Hendrik VERHAGEN  Marriage: 9 Sep 1886, Mierlo
      2 Godefrida VERHAGEN
        =Arnoldus Wilhelmus Franciscus BRANTEN  Marriage: 16 May 1916, Mierlo
      2 Maria Petronella VERHAGEN
        =Johannes Adrianus Hubertus LITH van  Marriage: 28 May 1924, Mierlo

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