Reindert KNOOPS

Ancestors of Reindert KNOOPS

                            /-Jan KNOOPS
                  /-Jan KNOOPS
                  |         \-Paulina HELMONDS (HELMONS)
        /-Johannes KNOOPS
        |         \-Maria BEESER (REESER)
Reindert KNOOPS
        \-Gerritje GROOT de

Descendants of Reindert KNOOPS

1 Reindert KNOOPS
  =Catharina STAP  Marriage: 23 Jan 1890, Zwolle, Overijssel, Nederland
      2 Gerritje Johanna Wilhelmina Maria KNOOPS
      2 Jan Christiaan Johannes KNOOPS
      2 Reindert KNOOPS
      2 Johannes Christianus KNOOPS
      2 Catharina KNOOPS
      2 Catharina KNOOPS
      2 Maria Magdalena KNOOPS
  =Fenna Willemina ELBERTSEN  Marriage: 9 Jan 1913, Zwolle, Overijssel, Nederland

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